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disallow_empty_password = true ... still allow client to change later to empty, what I don't want !

Festus1965 opened this issue · comments

Minetest version

the minetest.cond setting 'disallow_empty_password = true' allow server admin to block client without a password, or deny empty password,
BUT after join game, gamer can set in client a new password that is against my set rule no empty.

Steps to reproduce

login, press esc, press change password ...

IF we take the willing or rule from admin serious
set disallow_empty_password = true
then also a change from client / gamer must be checked over this rule and revoke if true and new password empty !


The setting does exactly what is documented:

If enabled, new players cannot join with an empty password.

But I agree that this is not useful and should be changed.

sorry, but


does NOT indicate only for new players !!!
I read this rule basic, as there is not new ... or register... in this name