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Specify system requirements somewhere

Zughy opened this issue · comments

I can't find anything about what's the required and recommended system requirements for Minetest. Usecase: I wanted to draw a comparison with Minecraft using official data

We don't have required/recommended requirements as we don't have access to enough test devices to determine what they should be.

Also, required and recommended requirements are completely arbitrary, Minecraft could be using a completely different target to us. You're probably better off recording FPS or frametime when viewing similar scenes on the same hardware. If someone is able to borrow a chromebook that would probably be quite compelling.

Another thing is that to crowd source testing it might be a good idea to create a standard benchmark

You'll need to define some kind of baseline for comparison, such as a list of specs that can run Minetest in 1920x1080 at a stable 60 FPS on a blank Minetest Game world with no mods. It's a good idea to use a fixed spawn position and world seed as well to improve reproducibility.

There's obviously the caveat that the more mods you add, the higher your resolution/framerate expectations, the more powerful CPU/GPU you'll need.

This is what I did for the Godot System requirements page (feel free to use it for inspiration). I foresee the Minetest system requirements being pretty low by modern standards, likely being below the Godot minimum requirements for its Compatibility rendering method.