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Promote F-Droid version on minetest.net/downloads/

r4dh4l opened this issue · comments


related to minetest/minetest#1786 it would be great to promote the F-Droid version on https://www.minetest.net/downloads/ (at least as well).

The note

We advise not to use unofficial builds commonly found on the Play Store. They may contain excessive advertisements or spyware, or be distributed under proprietary terms.

is great but offering just an APK download as alterantive and providing a logo for what you call "unofficial builds" is a little bit strange in this context.

It would be better if you would just promote the F-Droid version with a logo and just link the GooglePlay version in your nice warning, maybe like this:


Note: We advise not to use unofficial builds commonly found on the Play Store. They may contain excessive advertisements or spyware, or be distributed under proprietary terms. As much more secure and freedom respecting alternative you might want to use f-droid instead.

Alternatively, download the APK.

This would make the mintest downlaod section a great "best practice" reference for similar projects!

However: Thank you for mintest!

The Play Store app linked is official. There are other apps that aren't official

F-Droid is currently outdated due to a build issue, so shouldn't be promoted

F-Droid is currently outdated due to a build issue, so shouldn't be promoted

I understand. What a pity.

The Play Store app linked is official. There are other apps that aren't official

Ah, got it. My fault. For some reason I thought the warning is about the PlayStore in general. Sorry.

F-Droid is currently outdated due to a build issue, so shouldn't be promoted

Anywhere to read up on this? I found nothing.
The F-Droid version still fails to launch on Android 10+ and the app downloaded manually doesn't update itself.

F-Droid has strict requirements on the buildsystem – you can't bring your own binaries, everything must be built from source on their servers. Unfortunately, this makes building complex applications like Minetest difficult, so providing an APK is much easier.

Minetest doesn't get new releases that often and compatibility is rarely broken, so I think the APK is a fine way to play it if you don't want to use Google Play. To stay up-to-date with the APK, you probably need to redownload it once per year or so in practice. This is much less common than say, Bromite 🙂

Thanks for the quick answers. Alright.

F-Droid is up to date again now (and also contains 5.6 unlike Play), this should be added in addition to the current Google Play button and direct download link.