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When I used svtr_tiny_ch.yaml to configure training, there was a loss of nan

zx214 opened this issue · comments

When I used svtr_tiny_ch.yaml to configure training, I encountered a Loss of nan.I used the pre-trained model of svtr_tiny_ch-2ee6ade4.ckpt.I am using the GPU version of MindSpore.The display is as follows:
[WARNING] ME(3613:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:1):2024-03-07-06:39:44.569.244 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=40960, shape=(1, 640, 64))
[WARNING] ME(3613:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:1):2024-03-07-06:39:44.569.675 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=864, shape=(32, 3, 3, 3))
[WARNING] ME(3613:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:1):2024-03-07-06:39:44.569.892 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=32, shape=(32,))
[WARNING] ME(3613:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:1):2024-03-07-06:39:44.570.100 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=32, shape=(32,))
[WARNING] ME(3613:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:1):2024-03-07-06:39:44.570.365 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=18432, shape=(64, 32, 3, 3))
[2024-03-07 06:40:10] mindocr.utils.callbacks INFO - epoch: [1/3] step: [100/1000], loss: nan, lr: 0.000033, per step time: 879.835 ms, fps per card: 18.19 img/s
[WARNING] ME(3621:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:9):2024-03-07-06:40:10.246.843 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=40960, shape=(1, 640, 64))
[WARNING] ME(3621:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:9):2024-03-07-06:40:10.247.187 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=864, shape=(32, 3, 3, 3))
[WARNING] ME(3621:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:9):2024-03-07-06:40:10.247.432 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=32, shape=(32,))
[WARNING] ME(3621:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:9):2024-03-07-06:40:10.247.616 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=32, shape=(32,))
[WARNING] ME(3621:140537237112640,ForkServerPoolWorker-1:9):2024-03-07-06:40:10.247.852 [mindspore/train/summary/_summary_adapter.py:304] There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=18432, shape=(64, 32, 3, 3))
[2024-03-07 06:40:35] mindocr.utils.callbacks INFO - epoch: [1/3] step: [200/1000], loss: nan, lr: 0.000066, per step time: 252.681 ms, fps per card: 63.32 img/s

Hello, issue 670 have a similar problem with this problem, you could refer to it.

We suggest you could try the following solutions:

  1. Check the MindSpore and CANN version is matched. You could run the following code to check it.
    import mindspore
    Please refer to https://www.mindspore.cn/install/en#configuring-environment-variables and find more details. If some errors occur in the version check, please refer to the installation guide and reinstall CANN and MindSpore.
  2. O2 amp_level might cause unsteady training. You could try to set amp_level to O0. For example, if you are using configs/rec/svtr/svtr_tiny.yaml, you could find
      amp_level: O2
      amp_level_infer: O2 # running inference in O2 mode
    replace O2 with O0, and the yaml file would be changed like:
      amp_level: O0
      amp_level_infer: O0

And would you mind offering the following information, so that we could relocate the problems faster:

  • your GPU information
  • cuda/cudnn version
  • mindspore version
  • dataset you use
  • the yaml config, if you have modified it

My yaml config is as follows:
mode: 0 # 0 for graph mode, 1 for pynative mode in MindSpore
distribute: False
amp_level: O0
amp_level_infer: O0 # running inference in O2 mode
seed: 42
log_interval: 100
val_while_train: True
drop_overflow_update: False
ckpt_max_keep: 5

character_dict_path: &character_dict_path mindocr/utils/dict/ch_dict.txt
num_classes: &num_classes 6624 # num_chars_in_dict + 1
max_text_len: &max_text_len 40
use_space_char: &use_space_char True
batch_size: &batch_size 256
num_workers: &num_workers 1
num_epochs: &num_epochs 1
dataset_root: &dataset_root ./dataset_ic15/rec
ckpt_save_dir: &ckpt_save_dir ./tmp_rec
ckpt_load_path: &ckpt_load_path ./tmp_rec/best.ckpt
resume: &resume False
data_shape: (32, 320)
resume_epochs: 0
lr: 0.01

type: rec
transform: null
name: SVTRNet
pretrained: False
img_size: [32, 320]
out_channels: 96
patch_merging: Conv
embed_dim: [64, 128, 256]
depth: [3, 6, 3]
num_heads: [2, 4, 8]
local_mixer: [[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11]]
last_stage: True
prenorm: False
name: Img2Seq
name: CTCHead
out_channels: *num_classes
pretrained: False

name: RecCTCLabelDecode
character_dict_path: *character_dict_path
use_space_char: *use_space_char

name: RecMetric
main_indicator: acc
lower: False
character_dict_path: *character_dict_path
ignore_space: True
print_flag: False

name: CTCLoss
pred_seq_len: 80 # 320 / 4
max_label_len: *max_text_len # this value should be smaller than pre_seq_len
batch_size: *batch_size

scheduler: warmup_cosine_decay
min_lr: 0.00001
lr: 0.001
num_epochs: *num_epochs
warmup_epochs: 3
decay_epochs: 27
opt: adamw
grouping_strategy: svtr
filter_bias_and_bn: False
weight_decay: 0.05

type: dynamic
loss_scale: 512
scale_factor: 2.0
scale_window: 1000

ckpt_save_dir: *ckpt_save_dir
dataset_sink_mode: True
ema: True
ema_decay: 0.9999
type: RecDataset
dataset_root: *dataset_root
data_dir: Task3/train
label_file: train_rec_gt.txt
sample_ratio: 1.0
shuffle: True
filter_max_len: True
max_text_len: *max_text_len
- DecodeImage:
img_mode: BGR
to_float32: False
- RecCTCLabelEncode:
max_text_len: *max_text_len
character_dict_path: *character_dict_path
use_space_char: *use_space_char
lower: False
- Rotate90IfVertical:
threshold: 2.0
direction: counterclockwise
- SVTRRecResizeImg:
image_shape: [32, 320]
padding: True
- NormalizeImage:
bgr_to_rgb: True
is_hwc: True
mean: [127.0, 127.0, 127.0]
std: [127.0, 127.0, 127.0]
- ToCHWImage:
output_columns: ["image", "text_seq"]
net_input_column_index: [0]
label_column_index: [1]

shuffle: True
batch_size: *batch_size
drop_remainder: True
max_rowsize: 12
num_workers: 4

ckpt_load_path: *ckpt_load_path
dataset_sink_mode: False
type: RecDataset
dataset_root: *dataset_root
data_dir: Task3/test
label_file: test_rec_gt.txt
sample_ratio: 1.0
shuffle: False
- DecodeImage:
img_mode: BGR
to_float32: False
- RecCTCLabelEncode:
max_text_len: *max_text_len
character_dict_path: *character_dict_path
use_space_char: *use_space_char
lower: False
- Rotate90IfVertical:
threshold: 2.0
direction: counterclockwise
- SVTRRecResizeImg:
image_shape: [32, 320] # H, W
padding: True
- NormalizeImage:
bgr_to_rgb: True
is_hwc: True
mean: [127.0, 127.0, 127.0]
std: [127.0, 127.0, 127.0]
- ToCHWImage:
output_columns: ["image", "text_padded", "text_length"]
net_input_column_index: [0]
label_column_index: [1, 2]

shuffle: False
batch_size: 64
drop_remainder: False
max_rowsize: 12
num_workers: 1

Train with O0 might work. You could set the amp_level and amp_level_infer to O0, and try to train the model.

O2 amp_level might cause unsteady training. You could try to set amp_level to O0. For example, if you are using configs/rec/svtr/svtr_tiny.yaml, you could find

  amp_level: O2
  amp_level_infer: O2 # running inference in O2 mode

replace O2 with O0, and the yaml file would be changed like:

  amp_level: O0
  amp_level_infer: O0

In my config,I haved set the amp_level and amp_level_infer to O0。How can I solve this problem?

Can it train normally with svtr_tiny.yaml instead of svtr_tiny_ch.yaml?

There is no problem training with English datasets and svtr_tiny.yaml.

It seems you train ic15 dataset on svtr_tiny_ch, but ic15 does not contain chinese characters. How about using svtr_tiny.yaml instead?

I used RCTW dataset on svtr_tiny_ch with svtr_tiny_ch-2ee6ade4.ckpt pretrained model.

Would you mind offering us more information, so that we could locate the problems faster?

  • your GPU information
  • cuda/cudnn version
  • mindspore version

CUDA Version: 11.4 and mindspore2.2.11

In the log, the warnings occur with "here are no valid values in the ndarray", maybe some Data produce large or overflow gradient while training, and cause nan problems. To avoid this, set "drop_overflow_update: False" to "drop_overflow_update: True".