mindrunner / docker-android-sdk

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alpine-standalone Unknown argument --package_file=/opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt

tomjamescn opened this issue · comments

docker run -ti runmymind/docker-android-sdk:alpine-standalone

there is an error: Unknown argument --package_file=/opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt

after google, I found this url:
sdkmanager 26.1.1 does not support --package_file= argument

how to do then? Is there a guide or quick-start document? maybe the document in this project is too less to newbie


full output is:

Using Built-In SDK Flavour
Set ANDROID_HOME to /opt/android-sdk-linux
SDK Tools already bootstrapped. Skipping initial setup
Make sure repositories.cfg exists
Copying Licences
'/opt/licenses/android-sdk-preview-license' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/licenses/licenses/android-sdk-preview-license'
'/opt/licenses/android-sdk-license' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/licenses/licenses/android-sdk-license'
'/opt/licenses' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/licenses/licenses'
Copying Tools
'/opt/tools/android-accept-licenses.sh' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/bin/android-accept-licenses.sh'
'/opt/tools/android-env.sh' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/bin/android-env.sh'
'/opt/tools/android-sdk-update.sh' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/bin/android-sdk-update.sh'
'/opt/tools/android-wait-for-emulator.sh' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/bin/android-wait-for-emulator.sh'
'/opt/tools/entrypoint.sh' -> '/opt/android-sdk-linux/bin/entrypoint.sh'
Installing packages
spawn sdkmanager --package_file=/opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt --verbose
Warning: Unknown argument --package_file=/opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt
  sdkmanager [--uninstall] [<common args>] [--package_file=<file>] [<packages>...]
  sdkmanager --update [<common args>]
  sdkmanager --list [<common args>]
  sdkmanager --licenses [<common args>]
  sdkmanager --version

With --install (optional), installs or updates packages.
    By default, the listed packages are installed or (if already installed)
    updated to the latest version.
With --uninstall, uninstall the listed packages.

    <package> is a sdk-style path (e.g. "build-tools;23.0.0" or
    <package-file> is a text file where each line is a sdk-style path
                   of a package to install or uninstall.
    Multiple --package_file arguments may be specified in combination
    with explicit paths.

With --update, all installed packages are updated to the latest version.

With --list, all installed and available packages are printed out.

With --licenses, show and offer the option to accept licenses for all
     available packages that have not already been accepted.

With --version, prints the current version of sdkmanager.

Common Arguments:
    --sdk_root=<sdkRootPath>: Use the specified SDK root instead of the SDK
                              containing this tool

    --channel=<channelId>: Include packages in channels up to <channelId>.
                           Common channels are:
                           0 (Stable), 1 (Beta), 2 (Dev), and 3 (Canary).

    --include_obsolete: With --list, show obsolete packages in the
                        package listing. With --update, update obsolete
                        packages as well as non-obsolete.

    --no_https: Force all connections to use http rather than https.

    --proxy=<http | socks>: Connect via a proxy of the given type.

    --proxy_host=<IP or DNS address>: IP or DNS address of the proxy to use.

    --proxy_port=<port #>: Proxy port to connect to.

    --verbose: Enable verbose output.

* If the env var REPO_OS_OVERRIDE is set to "windows",
  "macosx", or "linux", packages will be downloaded for that OS.
Updating SDK
spawn sdkmanager --update
[=======================================] 100% Computing updates...
Accepting Licenses
spawn sdkmanager --licenses --verbose
Info: Parsing /opt/android-sdk-linux/emulator/package.xml
Info: Parsing /opt/android-sdk-linux/patcher/v4/package.xml
Info: Parsing /opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/package.xml
Info: Parsing /opt/android-sdk-linux/tools/package.xml
License android-googletv-license:=======] 100% Computing updates...
Terms and Conditions

This is the Google TV Add-on for the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement.

1. Introduction

1.1 The Google TV Add-on for the Android Software Development Kit (referred to in this License Agreement as the "Google TV Add-on" and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of this License Agreement. This License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of the Google TV Add-on.

... more license txt...

Looks like a Bug in sdkmanager which is already filed upstream. I think, there is nothing we can do here or whats your recommendation?


Is this still an issue @tomjamescn

I ran into this today.
https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/66465833 is the problem.

This can be fixed by using one of the suggested workarounds, I am using it like this on the commandline:

while read p; do echo "y" | sh sdkmanager --verbose "${p}"; done < /opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt

It works like this in a docker image derived from this one:

RUN while read p; do /opt/android-sdk-linux/tools/bin/sdkmanager ${SDKMNGR_OPTS} --verbose ${p}; done < /opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt

Maybe something like this in the script:

while read p; do sdkmanager ${SDKMNGR_OPTS} --verbose ${p}; done < /opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt

On a side note.. I am also running into this warning:

Warning: Failed to find package add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-26
Warning: Failed to find package add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-27

version 24 seems to be the latest, this is happening with the package-list-minimal.txt only


Seriously Google?? This bug is open since almost a year. And it is marked as feature Request? This could not suck more...


Should be rater

while read p; do android-accept-licenses.sh sdkmanager ${SDKMNGR_OPTS} --verbose ${p}; done < /opt/tools/package-list-minimal.txt