mindon / ingress-portals-finder

a Chrome Extension for the Game - Ingress

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stopped working

wRAR opened this issue · comments

After today's intel update the script stopped working, it shows "Query Failed - Sign-In Required!".

this will totally stopped or you guyz will fix it ?

When someone can fix it then mindon. I dont know of any fork. I have started to debug myself the extension but I am a beginner in that. need help. @mindon are u reading this?

I'm also a beginner, and don't have enough knowledge in this domain. But if I look at IITC changes I think we need to change the way the qk are calculated. old format was [zoomlevel][lat long ranges], now it is [zoom level_x_y]. I don't know how to calculate x y from lat long ranges. see here: iitc-project/ingress-intel-total-conversion@59094e4#code

fixed. see Issue #13

thanks, ivan101