mimno / jsLDA

An implementation of latent Dirichlet allocation in javascript

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Parameter question

owendall opened this issue · comments

var correlationCutoff = 0.25;

Should the parameter "cutoff" in the function getCorrelationGraph actually be "correlationCuttoff"?

"function var getCorrelationGraph = function(correlationMatrix, cutoff)"


In this case cutoff is a local variable for the function, so I do want to make it clear that it's a different variable. But correlationCutoff is also not being used, which isn't great. At some point I switched from correlation to pointwise mutual information, which has a different scale. The default cutoff is -100.0, which is hard-coded when the function is actually executed.

Ahh, Gotcha. Somehow I missed that line while going through the code...
var correlationGraph = getCorrelationGraph(correlationMatrix, -100.0);