miloradvojnovic / TestQL

Write tests for GraphQL API easily!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


TestQL is a generator for GraphQL tests. It is inspired by Karate. The biggest difference between Karate is that TestQL generates tests for a specific platform. For test developers, Karate is a better choice because it's independent of a platform but for software developers that want to have unit or integration tests in some specific programming language TestQL is the right choice. Currently there's generator only for Scala - Play Framework. TextX is used for building Domain-Specific Language (DSL) that is used for TestQL.


For defining test cases for TestQL there's DSL that is created. There are some examples here. As an example, we could use a test case where we want to test getting categories from API.

scenario:retrieving information about all categories

query findAllCategories {
    categories {

    "data": {
        "categories": [
                "id": <id>,
                "name": <name>

| should                    | id  | name         |
| ------------------------- | --- | ------------ |
| "retrieve all categories" | 1   | "RAM memory" |
| *                         | 2   | "SSD disk"   |

Every test should have:

  • package name (optional)
  • class name
  • a scenario that is tested
  • GraphQL request
  • On or more test cases

Every test case should have:

  • response
  • examples for response

TestQL will generate a test for every example that is defined in a table. If the test contains two responses and for every response five examples than ten test cases will be generated. That is possible with tags. Tag is used for some variable that will be injected with every example. This is the most powerful feature of TestQL because one same request or response could be used in every test case. Since TextX has support for semantic error detection there's a couple that is defined here:

  • The same tag shouldn't be used in a request more than once
  • The same tag shouldn't be used in response more than once
  • The first tag in every example should be should
  • The same tag shouldn't be used in examples more than once
  • Every tag that is used in a request and response should be used in examples
  • Every tag that is used in examples should be used in a request or response


As an IDE for writing tests for TestQL currently the best option is a Visual Studio Code.VS Code has plugins that could help. Since all tests are in Markdown format there's a plenty of plugins that could help in code coloring, formatting, etc. Also, there's a GraphQL plugin that could help in code completion when GraphQL request should be defined. Example has a complete setup for that plugin. If that folder is opened with VS Code and if a plugin is installed, code completion should be possible. The last plugin that is used is Text Tables. Text Tables is used for writing tables in Markdown format very easy. With that plugin in the VS Code table that is used for defining examples is formatted very easy.


For running a generator on example that is provided:

cd /example/output
sbt test

Generated Scala classes will be generated in /example/output.

For running specific tests and on specific output directory there are two arguments:

  • --model for defining a directory where tests files are
  • --output for defining a directory where Scala Play Framework project is
python --model model/directory --output output/directory

For defining a test environment that will be used for testing there's DataSpec class. Class should have the method:

def executeQuery(query: Document): JsValue

In an example you can see how is implemented. For example mocking is used for testing but that's one of the options that can be used.


Write tests for GraphQL API easily!

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 84.4%Language:Python 12.1%Language:TSQL 3.4%