milkypostman / powerline

emacs powerline

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separator doesn't render correctly in emacs 28

jaaasonSun opened this issue · comments

Not sure if it's a powerline issue or an emacs issue, but separator doesn't render correctly in emacs 28.
I'm current using emacs-head, and this is the relevant section from init.el:

(use-package powerline
  (setq powerline-default-separator 'slant)
  (setq powerline-gui-use-vcs-glyph 't)
  (setq powerline-height 17)
  (setq powerline-image-apple-rgb 't)
  :config (powerline-default-theme))

This config works fine in emacs 27.1
截屏2020-10-13 11 40 18
This is how it looks in emacs 28.0.50
截屏2020-10-13 11 40 20

Any help is appreciated!

Have you tried setting powerline-image-apple-rgb to nil? I'm not putting time into this package anymore so it would have to be someone else putting some time in to debugging and fixing this.

It works! Thanks for your help.