milkypostman / powerline

emacs powerline

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Unthemed powerline when switching to *Messages* buffer while using powerline-center-evil-theme

rubin55 opened this issue · comments

When using powerline-center-evil theme, and switching to the Messages buffer, the powerline theme is unapplied. Switching back to Buffer List or scratch re-enables the theme. See:

Screenshot 2019-03-14 at 21 19 14

And with multiple windows:

Screenshot 2019-03-14 at 21 17 22

Could it be the case that some other package is getting in the way here? Are all packages current versions?

* is default in emacs. i think you probably have something else changing the name.

You are right, of course. I realised as I had submitted my comment, and have edited it immediately. Ashes to my head. :-(

The screenshots hint to ParEdit and UndoTree being used. If and when "unfavourable package combination" were a suspicion to be investigated, @rubin55 would need to set his .emacs(.d) and custom.el aside, start with nothing but powerline loaded, and keep trying other packages in turn in combination with powerline (i.e. powerline+A, powerline+B, etc.). This admittedly can be a lengthy process, but without an MWE it will be very difficult.

I've moved my .emacs and .emacs.d aside and came up with a minimal-ish .emacs. This depends on no other packages but whatever comes as default with Emacs 26.1 and the powerline and evil packages themselves. see here:

To try, install that as .emacs, then M-x package-install evil and M-X package-install powerline, restart, switch to Messages buffer and observe the same bug. I'm running Emacs 26.1 on Mac OS from . I observed the issue on Gentoo Linux and on Windows 10 using Emacs 26.1 too (I don't think it's platform specific).

is this still happening? almost two years later?


The issue occurs when powerline is required and loaded after evil.

evil before powerline

  (require 'evil)
  (evil-mode 1)

  (require 'powerline)

Pressing the following on startup:

C-h e			;; view-echo-area-messages

Results in:


powerline before evil

  (require 'powerline)

  (require 'evil)
  (evil-mode 1)

Pressing the following on startup:

C-h e			;; view-echo-area-messages

Results in:



GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2021-03-26
Windows 10 Version 2004

In rubin55's config:

  • evil is required and loaded on line: 98
;; Enable evil mode.
(require 'evil)
(evil-mode 1)
  • powerline is required and loaded on line: 139
;; Enable powerline status bar.
(require 'powerline)
;;(setq powerline-image-apple-rgb t)

This isn't limited to the powerline-center-evil-theme it also happens with the powerline-default-theme.