milkypostman / powerline

emacs powerline

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use multiple separator.

rhoit opened this issue · comments


Is it possible to use more than one separator, like zig-zag and wave at same time.

Not without extending the separator logic


is there possibility force render at the time of calling, or something like argument to the separator specifying the type.

you mean force a re-render? because of the memoization? no but maybe that
could be added if you wanted to but I'm not sure how you would decide. you
can always reset the cache.

as far as multiple separators, this can easily be achieved by writing your
own theme which uses the separator functions directly instead of using the
function assigned to the 'current separator' variable.

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 1:22 AM rho wrote:

is there possibility force render at the time of calling, or something
like argument to the separator specifying the type.

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#109 (comment)


@milkypostman I would like to use function assigned with 'current separator' variable, but I'm not expert on elisp, can you point me to right direction, so I can update my own theme.

if you look in powerline-separators you'll see a bunch of lines, (defmacro pl/<name> .... So if it says, pl/rounded then there is a function
pl/rounded-left and pl/rounded-right that are defined. You can use
those. functions.

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 8:28 AM rho wrote:

@milkypostman I would like to use
function assigned with 'current separator' variable, but I'm not expert on
elisp, can you point me to right direction, so I can update my own theme.

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#109 (comment)


@milkypostman i tried using those function but its not working.

I got no idea how to use the (defmacro pl/<name> (dir) after some fiddling found pl/<name> <direction> → powerline--, or i'm missing something :/, when i do something like this.

my complete config is here


can we pl/make-xpm?
(pl/make-xpm name face2 face1 data)

sorry, i forgot how I implemented this; unfortunately I did something very clever here which I have learned is a terrible coding idea.

anyways, I tried your config and except for for some octoicon error, i was able to just insert (powerline-contour-right face2 face1) and that worked in your modeline.

you shouldn't call pl/make-xpm or anything, the functions are already defined at

again, it's my bad I did this so clever, I would never write it like this again :(

👍 for non-clever code

It's working but you are passing the same face for both sides. Change it to
(powerline-arrow-right face1 face2)
On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 17:34 JasonM23 wrote:

[image: 👍] for non-clever code

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#109 (comment)


yeah! thanx! 🎉, my dump code! working 😆
➕ i dunno how :octocat: works, i just copy/pasted and remixed it.



On 27 Dec 2015, at 10:42 AM, rho wrote:

yeah! thanx! , my dump code! working
i dunno how works, i just copy/pasted and remixed it.

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cool looks styling!

On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 8:50 PM JasonM23 wrote:


On 27 Dec 2015, at 10:42 AM, rho wrote:

yeah! thanx! , my dump code! working
i dunno how works, i just copy/pasted and remixed it.

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#109 (comment)


@milkypostman thanx, finally I can sleep in peace.


Post your patch on reddit/r/Emacs :)

On 27 Dec 2015, at 2:52 PM, rho wrote:

@milkypostman thanx, finally I can sleep in peace.

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