mileyan / pseudo-LiDAR_e2e


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missing Lib file in PointRCNN

czy341181 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for your amazing work! I tried to run your code, but I ran into some trouble. Is the code in PointRCNN complete?

Could you provide more information about what error you got?

from import PointRCNN

But it seems that there is no Lib folder in your code.

from import Depth_model

There is depth_Net in the Lib folder, will you update the code later?

Thanks again for your amazing work! I also had tried your previous work and was able to replicate the results. But for this pseudoLidar E2E with PointRCNN I have missing libraries too that I cannot find in original PointRCNN( or other pseudoLidar works.
For me the files and are missing (from import DepthModel, from lib.datasets.kitti_depth_rcnn_dataset import KittiRCNNDataset) , your modifications/new files from PointRCNN to make E2E code work.

Missing files


I appreciate your code updates / help. Thank you very much for sharing!!

Hi all, sorry for making this mistake. I will update soon.

Hi @rui1996 , thank you very much!!

Hi all, it is updated. The reason for this error is in the .gitignore file in the root dir (not Pointrcnn dir), it accidentally includes 'lib/', making us missing files while uploading. Again, sorry for this.