milessabin / shapeless

Generic programming for Scala

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implicit is not returned from the cache but rather from current scope

manish7-thakur opened this issue · comments

* would print "first" then "second" (non cached `TC[Int]` instances), then "first" twice (first instance, returned

As mentioned in the comment above after printing non-cached instances of first & second, first is not printed twice (from the cache) but rather the output is


The context is different so the output is the expected one, but comments tend to differ or I misunderstood something ?

Actually this doc refers to a non-existing cached definition - do you know what it's supposed to be?

I think that's supposed to be Cached.implicitly and it does work as advertised.
Using MDoc to verify documentation would be nice, but it's a large task.

Fixed by #1241