milesial / Pytorch-UNet

PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images

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wandb issue

HunterTom94 opened this issue · comments

Hi, when I click the link printed when running training. The wandb page says "Error loading workspace. You do not have permissions to view this workspace." Both links have this error.

Sorry if it's a stupid question. I don't have prior experience with wandb

hi ,I have the same problem

You can input 'wandb login' in terminal and then paste your wandb API key (you can find it in your wandb homepage) to log in your account.

You can input 'wandb login' in terminal and then paste your wandb API key (you can find it in your wandb homepage) to log in your account.

Thank you for your reply, I have solved this problem. Thank you.