miku / zek

Generate a Go struct from XML.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

crash if user.Current() returns an error

kjk opened this issue · comments

This happened on a Linux machine.


func NewStructWriter(w io.Writer) *StructWriter {
	// Some info for banner.
	usr, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
		usr.Name = "an unknown user"

If user.Current() returns an error, usr is nil so usr.Name = "foo" will panic.
It could be sth. like:

	userName := "an unknown user"
	usr, _ := user.Current()
	if usr != nil {
		userName = usr.Name

Thanks for the suggestion, it should be fixed in 0.1.6.

Thanks, I can confirm it's fixed.

@kjk, just a quick question: Is xmltogo using zek? And if so, may I link to it from the README?

@miku Yes, xmltgo uses zek. Feel free to link to it. I'll also add a link to zek from the website.

@kjk, thanks for putting it online - this can come in handy.

@kjk, hijacking this issue to ask: Can it be that https://www.onlinetool.io/xmltogo/ times out? Does it have a new location?

$ curl -v https://www.onlinetool.io/xmltogo/

Operation timed out after 60000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received

@miku sorry about that. my hosting company messed up networking to the server, making it inaccessible.

I've moved the site to a new host. Should be available again when DNS propagates (can take minutes to hours, depending on your DNS provider). Ping me if still doesn't work for you after 24 hrs

@kjk, thanks a lot for the update, will check later.