mikolalysenko / interval-tree-1d

1D interval tree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maximum call stack size exceeded

SudoPlz opened this issue · comments

I get this error when I try to create a tree with the following values:

{ id: 1, startTime: '1015', endTime: '1115'},
{ id: 2, startTime: '1025', endTime: '1120'},
{ id: 3, startTime: '1035', endTime: '1115'},
{ id: 4, startTime: '1045', endTime: '1115'},
{ id: 5, startTime: '1215', endTime: '1415'},
{ id: 6, startTime: '1135', endTime: '1515'},
{ id: 7, startTime: '0935', endTime: '1014'},
{ id: 8, startTime: '0935', endTime: '1614'},

for each child I add the values like so:

const initialTree = new IntervalTree(); // create a new interval tree

but sometimes I have more than 1 trees ( I run the above code in multiple places)

Any ideas?

Not sure. Been a while since I've looked at this and don't have bandwidth right now to page it all back in.

Looks like you were passing in zero padded strings?
passing in ints works: https://codepen.io/jedierikb/pen/YzpYEgj?editors=0010