mikeryan / PyBT

Hackable Bluetooth stack in Python

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GATT DB Server Error

jennj opened this issue · comments


I don't think this is a problem with PyBT. I think it is a problem in my use of PyBT.

I am attempting to create a peripheral with a rudimentary GATT DB. You can see the code here: https://github.com/jennj/BLE-Scripts/tree/master/scripts-peripheral . The example advertises; I can see the advertised data in the nRF Connect app with no problems. When I attempt to connect, though, the connection fails with an error 0x85. According to Nordic this means a problem with the GATT server configuration. The server data matches that what I receive when I perform a gattlib read-by-handle (you can see the output of read-by-handle at the bottom of the file referenced above. This likely means that I am missing something. What am I missing? I would be grateful for a hint.

Ubuntu 16.04
bluez 5.37
scapy -> the one you linked in the PyBT page
PyBT -> the latest version

Latest versions of pycrypto and gevent are installed (what is standardly available with Ubuntu).

Thank you, and kind regards,


Hello JennJ,

did you find the solution to your problem? Do you if it is possible to hack the BLE stack with PyBT? and how it works?
I want to hack the BLE Stack of my BLE Peripheral(BTLC1000) using PyBT but I don't know how it works
Thank you

Hi NadSo!

Short answer: no.

Long answer: I was working on a specific project and had limited time to work with PyBT. That time ran out, and I didn't have a chance to spend more time with it.

Kind regards,