mikerogne / electron-webpack-ts-vue-boilerplate

Just another Electron boilerplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Electron Webpack / Typescript / Vue.js Boilerplate

dependencies Status devDependencies Status MIT Licence


This is just another Electron boilerplate. I created this because anything I found over the internet failed to compile using current version of webpack due to a bug.

This specific boilerplate provides


It is highly recommended to use Yarn package manager instead of NPM. As of today installing packages using NPM will result in failing webpack compilation.

# Clone the repository ...
$ git clone https://github.com/patrickberger/electron-webpack-ts-vue-boilerplate

# ... and install dependencies.

Available scripts:

# Run in development mode.
yarn dev

# Compile.
yarn compile

# Build an installer for your current platform.
yarn build


Just another Electron boilerplate


Language:JavaScript 58.1%Language:TypeScript 34.4%Language:Vue 7.5%