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how to pass input parameter into function through rv-on-xxx

ericxin1982 opened this issue · comments

Hi All,

I'd like to pass something to function through rv-on-blur

But it fails, how to do, anyone can teach me?

Eric Xin

Rivets does not analyze item.dd('1') as JavaScript expression/statement as Angular or some other libraries/frameworks do.

You could define args formatter:

rivets.formatters.args = function(fn) {
    let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
    return () => fn.apply(null, args)

and then:

rv-on-blur="item.dd | args 1"

Where arguments comes from above?
Is it a built-in keyword?


Is it a built-in keyword?

arguments is built-in keyword in JavaScript.

Thanks so much!
Get learned.

Sorry to ask one more question.
rv-on-keypress="item.detect | jump event elementID"

If I define a formatters named jump, how I can pass in an keypress event to function jump?
Since jump here need two functions, one is event, another is element ID, which I would need it to be focused after key press takes place.


Hi I use the way you teach, but I got problem, please help me take a look at it.

For easier testing, please use txt instead, thanks very much!

Anyone can help me here?

@ericxin1982 I would like to help you.
Can you explain exactly what this is supposed to do?
rv-on-keypress="item.detect | jump event elementID"

If you write it out in psuedo code I can try and implement for you.

For Example:
When the user presses a key on this element, I want to call the detect method on the item with some information?

@Duder-onomy , Thanks.
So detect originally is like this, detect keypress is a enter code, if yes, return value set false, and move focus to another element by its ID.
But as I know, rivets.js does not support detect('xxxx') this way as putting element ID as input parameter, and harcode the elementID inside the function scope is not acceptable to me, so I have to use formattor this way to proceed detect this operation and create a formattor named jump accepts the second parameter as element ID to focus to different element ID.

Right now I get stuck on the jump this formattor, it seems not able to detect the event object through this way, maybe I am using the wrong way.

Hope you can help me.

if (event.keyCode === 13){
event.returnValue = false;

Thanks again.
Eric Xin

Hi, you should use the args formatter @Namek gave above.
In your case it will be used like this

rv-on-keypress="item.detect | args 'elementID'"
detect:function(event, elementID){
    if (event.keyCode === 13){
        event.returnValue = false;

(td) id="yy" rv-edit="item.edit" rv-on-keypress="item.detect | merge 'xx'">January (td)

if (event.keyCode === 13){
event.returnValue = false;

rivets.formatters.merge = function(fn){
let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
return () => fn.apply(null, args)

Hi @jccazeaux

This is the snippet from completed code, I set console.log inside detect, so like this, I can not capture event object and elid string, they are all undefined.

How to fix?
What is wrong for the code?


Hi @jccazeaux
This is the code I do debug, would you please take a look at it?

I probably would use the input parameter to bind inside the element as parameter passed way. Thanks all.

@ericxin1982 my bad I missed a point. Rivets sends by default the event in the event callback. But our args formatter replaced it. To prevent this here is the actual args code

rivets.formatters.args = function(fn){
  let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
  return function()  {
    return fn.apply(this, Array.prototype.concat.call(arguments, args))

Like this it will concatenate args parameters to configured parameters in rivets configuration. Configured parameters are described here (see handler attribute)

Here is a full working example


Thanks very much!

At 2016-10-12 04:37:21, "Jean-Christophe Cazeaux" notifications@github.com wrote:

@ericxin1982 my bad I missed a point. Rivets sends by default the event in the event callback. But our args formatter replaced it. To prevent this here is the actual args code

let args =Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
returnfunction() {
returnfn.apply(this, Array.prototype.concat.call(arguments, args))

Like this it will concatenate args parameters to configured parameters in rivets configuration. Configured parameters are described here (see handler attribute)

Here is a full working example


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Hi @jccazeaux

Thanks for your help.
I went to jsfiddle.net, which does not work, but I console log it for details.

Should just pass arguments[0], pass whole arguments does not work actually.

return fn.apply(this, Array.prototype.concat.call(arguments[0], args))

Then it works.

I appreciate your help, which give me a deeper vision into javascript.

Eric Xin

Hello All,

I am rewriting parts of rivetsjs and tinybind, look at https://jsfiddle.net/riteshpahwa/feqt9a7b/
and if anyone wants to help, more then happy to add tasks. https://github.com/RADKick/kickjs/

It is in initial stage, so any of your input / feedback / contribution to code will be very helpful.