miker2049 / node-pitchfinder

A compilation of pitch detection algorithms for Javascript.

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A compilation of pitch detection algorithms for Node (Using native C++ Addon). Based on pitchfinder, but running a lot faster (because it's native)

Provided pitch-finding algorithms

  • MacLeod - Best results for instruments
  • YIN - The best balance of accuracy and speed, in my experience. Occasionally provides values that are wildly incorrect.
  • AMDF - Slow and only accurate to around +/- 2%, but finds a frequency more consistenly than others. NOT AN ADDON
  • Dynamic Wavelet - Very fast, but struggles to identify lower frequencies. NOT AN ADDON
  • Goertzel TODO


npm install --save node-pitchfinder

For node < 10 use version ^1.x, version 2+ is for node >= 10


Finding the pitch of a wav file in node

const fs = require('fs')
const WavDecoder = require('wav-decoder')
const { YIN } = require('node-pitchfinder')

// see below for option parameters.
const detectPitch = YIN({ sampleRate: 44100 })

const buffer = fs.readFileSync(PATH_TO_FILE)
const decoded = WavDecoder.decode(buffer) // get audio data from file using `wav-decoder`
const float64Array = decoded.channelData[0] // get a single channel of sound
const pitch = detectPitch(float64Array) // All detectors are using float64Array internally, but you can also give an ordinary array of numbers


All detectors

  • sampleRate - defaults to 44100


  • threshold - used by the algorithm
  • probabilityThreshold - don't return a pitch if probability estimate is below this number.


  • minFrequency - Lowest frequency detectable
  • maxFrequency - Highest frequency detectable
  • sensitivity
  • ratio


  • bufferSize - Maximum data size (default 1024)
  • cutoff - Defines the relative size the chosen peak (pitch) has. 0.93 means: choose the first peak that is higher than 93% of the highest peak detected. 93% is the default value used in the Tartini user interface.
  • freqCutoff - Minimum frequency to be detected (default 80Hz)
  • probabilityThreshold - don't return a pitch if probability estimate is below this number.

Dynamic Wavelet

no special config


YIN and MacLeod

  • method: getResult (data) - does not use probabilityThreshold, returns an object with probability instead, like { pitch: number, probability: number }


const {MacLeod} = require('node-pitchfinder')
const detectPitch = MacLeod().getResult

// {pitch: 440, probability: 1}


  • MacLeod using FFT


Several of these algorithms were ported from Jonas Six's excellent TarsosDSP library (written in Java). If you're looking for a far deeper set of tools than this, check out his work on his website or on Github.

Thanks to Aubio for his YIN code


A compilation of pitch detection algorithms for Javascript.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 59.2%Language:JavaScript 39.4%Language:Python 1.4%