mikepawlak / dndpdfreader

A NodeJS based program that reads pdf file Dungeon and Dragons 5ed character sheets and generates easy-to-consume web based stat blocks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dungeons and Dragons PDF Reader

This is a command line tool built with NodeJS and Commander to consume Dungeons and Dragons character sheet pdfs and generate and serve html-based statblocks for easier consumption.

I want to run this on my machine

This project requires NodeJS and NPM, install instructions for both can be found here.

# clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/mikepawlak/dndpdfreader && cd dndpdfreader

# install dependencies
npm install

You can then run dndpdfreader commands from the command line -

./bin/statblock -h

Usage: statblock [options] <command> [...]


    view-block [path]          create statblock from specified pdf and render to console
    text-block [pdfpath] [tx]  create a textfile statblock
    browser-block [pdfpath]    render a statblock to the browser

  Takes in 5e character sheet pdfs and generates stat blocks.


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

Running Tests

You can test the package with a simple npm test command.

npm run test

You can generate a statblock with the provided test pdf with the following command

./bin/statblock text-block test/test_char.pdf


A NodeJS based program that reads pdf file Dungeon and Dragons 5ed character sheets and generates easy-to-consume web based stat blocks


Language:HTML 52.5%Language:JavaScript 47.5%