mikejs / gomongo

Go driver for MongoDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Goinstall fails on 6g 7015

jdp opened this issue · comments

Goinstall is failing on a recent Go checkout.

~/code> goinstall github.com/mikejs/gomongo/mongo
goinstall: === cd /Users/justin/go/src/pkg/unicode; /Users/justin/go/bin/gomake install
8g -o go.8 casetables.go digit.go letter.go tables.go
tables.go:45: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:82: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:222: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:230: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:329: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:504: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:508: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:913: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:917: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:925: syntax error: unexpected {, expecting }
tables.go:925: too many errors
make: *** [go.8] Error 1
--- exit status 2
goinstall: installing unicode: running /Users/justin/go/bin/gomake: exit status 2

Suspicious because I'm on an amd64 OSX install, and goinstall is using 8g instead of 6g.

i'm using it with 6g (amd64)...
just need to fix 1 line in file bson-struct.go, alter "reflect.ArrayCopy" to "reflect.Copy" in line 185, and all work's fine here...

This has since been fixed