mikejolley / wp-post-series

Publish and link together a series of posts using a new "series" taxonomy. Automatically display links to other posts in a series above your content.

Home Page:https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-post-series/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Assumes series is complete rather than beginning or ongoing

dknauss opened this issue · comments

I would expect it to be fairly common for people to want to plan a series with scheduled posts so one rolls out after another over a period of time. The default language used to describe the series identifies the current post's position in the series (1, 2, 3, ...) out of the total number of published posts in the series. So if you have the first post published and 2 more scheduled to be published later, readers see "This is post #1 out of 1 in the "My Series" series."

As the simplest workaround, you can just translate this string to drop the variables and use the series description to explain things to readers. It's still odd to have a series of (seemingly) only one post, however.

The simplest way I can think of to address this is to use "first" instead of "# 1" and do not mention the total when there is only one post published in the series. This may present challenges for languages significantly different than European ones, however.

Additionally or alternatively, any scheduled posts in the series could be counted toward the total, and the date of the next one to be published could be displayed:

"This is the first of 5 posts in the "My Series" series. The next post in this series, "How to Create a Series of Posts," will be published on June 30."

Excellent! 👍