mikejolley / wp-post-series

Publish and link together a series of posts using a new "series" taxonomy. Automatically display links to other posts in a series above your content.

Home Page:https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-post-series/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No more shortcodes?

codeclinic opened this issue · comments

Was the option to add it via shortcode removed?

Any page builder other Gutenberg can only make use of this plugin via shortcodes. That's exactly how I was using it until the current version when shortcodes were apparently removed.

Is there any chance that shortcodes could be reinstated?


@codeclinic There was never a shortcode! It was automatically prepended to the post, and this still happens. The Blocks are optional. If a block is found, content is not prepended. Otherwise, it still is.