mikejolley / woocommerce-product-gift-wrap

Enable a per-product, store wide Gift wrap option - let the user choose design and make it free or paid.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Plugin for adoption ?

Tabrisrp opened this issue · comments


I used your plugin recently and add to do some changes to get it to work with the latest version of WordPress, and I'd like to make them available for everyone.

If you're not planning to support it anymore, would you consider getting it adopted ?

@Tabrisrp I really like your improvements. Thanks for updating this useful, focused little plugin!

I am considering combining your improvements with another fork which excludes virtual and downloadable products from displaying the checkbox via JavaScript. I will change it to exclude only virtual products, since some shippable products may have a downloadable component). Here is that fork: https://github.com/RamEduard/woocommerce-product-gift-wrap

Are you still interested in this little project/pull requests to your fork, or would I be better off just forking and updating it myself? (I'm a bit new to collaborating over github)