mikebronner / nova-gutenberg

Implementation of the Gutenberg editor as a Laravel Nova Field based on Laraberg.

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Message "Could not complete request"

ballesta opened this issue · comments

Getting Message "Could not complete request" upon clicking the '+' button.


Underlying table field name is 'gutenberg', Mariadb attribute type is 'text.'

Please provide the complete stack trace from the laravel log, package version, laravel version, php version, etc.

Hi Mike,

Development stack:
Laravel framework version: 6.2
Nova version: 2.9.2
Php version: 7.3.11
OS: Ubuntu0.19.10.1
Web Server: php artisan serve
-Laraberg: version: 0.0.6
-nova-gutenberg: version: ?
-- Installed today by "composer require genealabs/nova-gutenberg:*"

Laravel log:

  • File: storage/logs/laravel.log
    -- No significant error
    -- Last error 2 hours ago:
    [2020-01-07 18:42:33] local.ERROR: Class 'App\Nova\Gutenberg' not found {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Class 'App\Nova\Gutenberg' not found at /home/bernard/www/Laravel/Nova/v2.9.2/blog/app/Nova/Post.php:41)
    #0 /home/bernard/www/Laravel/Nova/v2.9.2/blog/nova/src/ResolvesFields.php(428): App\Nova\Post->fields(Object(Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest))
    #1 /home/bernard/www/Laravel/Nova/v2.9.2/blog/nova/src/ResolvesFields.php(268): Laravel\Nova\Resource->availableFields(Object(Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest))
    #2 /home/bernard/www/Laravel/Nova/v2.9.2/blog/nova/src/ResolvesFields.php(196): Laravel\Nova\Resource->resolveFields(Object(Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest), Object(Closure))
    #3 /home/bernard/www/Laravel/Nova/v2.9.2/blog/nova/src/ResolvesFields.php(223): Laravel\Nova\Resource->updateFields(Object(Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest))
    #4 /home/bernard/www/Laravel/Nova/v2.9.2/blog/nova/src/Http/Controllers/UpdateFieldController.php(23): Laravel\Nova\Resource->updateFieldsWithinPanels(Object(Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest))
    #5 [internal function]: Laravel\Nova\Http\Controllers\UpdateFieldController->index(Object(Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest), 'posts', '2')
    #6 /home/bernard .....

Ziped composer.json:

Thank you for your help.
Best regards

Thanks for the updated information. Looks like it's not throwing an error. I just tested it in my app, and am not having the problem. Can you provide a public GitHib repo that recreates the problem, so I can troubleshoot?

OK Mike,

Should I include all sources (including /vendor directory) in the public git repo?

Meanwhile I did a complete reinstall of Laravel, Nova and nova-gutenberg with only one database table containing only id and Gutenberg content field.
I get the same warning message each time i press the (+) button.

No need to include vendor stuff, as I will run composer update in test. Just as you would normally do a project on GitHub.


Created Github public repository: Laravel-Nova-Gutenberg-test.

Database dump in /database/dump/gutenberg.sql

Password for user 'bb' is 'bb'

Tell me if anything else is needed.

Thanks for taking the time to set this up. I will take a look as soon as I can -- I will be out of the office for the next 3 weeks, but hopefully I can find some spare time to look at what is causing you problems.

@ballesta. I have same issue. Maybe you forget to publish laravel file manager config.
Try it:
Publish the package’s config and assets :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_public

Run commands to clear cache (Optional if production mode is on) :

 php artisan route:clear
 php artisan config:clear

@nghiatv Thanks for helping out and offering possible solutions! I do have this on my list of things to do as soon as I have some time. :)

I have just installed and hit the same issue.

There are two tables that need to be migrated: lb_blocks and lb_contents. Once you have published configs with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_public

Just run php artisan migrate and this issue should go. Well... It did for me anyway.

I think there is a missing step in the docs?

@ballesta Could you give release 0.3.0 a try and see if that fixes this? Thanks!