mikalhart / IridiumSBD

Arduino library for RockBLOCK Iridium satellite modem (http://rock7mobile.com)

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getWaitingMessageCount returning wrong int

infinitemind2 opened this issue · comments

I know there is a message waiting however the following return 0
int nummessages = modem.getWaitingMessageCount();
Serial.println("Message count from satellite: " + String(nummessages));

Diagnostic data stream...

Waiting for response OK

<< ..AT+SBDIX................
+SBDIX: 0, 0, 1, 1, 11, 0

SBDIX MO code: 0
SBDIX success!
Message count from satellite: 0


According to the guide at


the message count is the sixth number after the "+SBDIX:" in the return string.

From the docs:
Command Response:

In your example, this is 0, so I think the Iridium system does not think there's a message waiting.