mikaku / Monitorix

Monitorix is a free, open source, lightweight system monitoring tool.

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PostgreSQL permissions

Clover2k opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to enable PostgreSQL statistics on monitorix, I created a user and grant pg_monitor and pg_read_all_data rights but it doesn't work... however if I assign administrator rights like the postgres user it works.

Exactly what rights are needed? or does it really need administrator rights?

@Clover2k, are you using the latest Monitorix version 3.15.0?
(latest Monitorix version fixes what it seems to me the same as in the issue #384).

Here was the trick!
I had installed version 3.14.0-1 from the ubuntu repositories, installing the latest version 3.15.0 using the deb file from the official site solved the problem.

I also revoked the pg_read_all_data permission which seems to be unnecessary, pg_monitor is enough for it to work.

many thanks mikaku