mikaelkall / massrecon

This reconissance tool is specific written for OSCP engagements.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error installing on kali 2020

jgilgan opened this issue · comments

You created an interesting project here!

I tried to install it on the current version of Kali Linux, but it throws an error:

error: six 1.14.0 is installed but six==1.11.0 is required by set([halo])

I know that it is possible to uninstall python-six via apt-get and install the appropriate version through pip3. But when I try this, apt also wants to uninstall a whole bunch of other system-critical packets that I still need.

Is there a way to bypass this issue or update the requirements so your project runs on the current version?

Thanks for this report. I have not tested this on Kali 2020.
Will look into it, but a quick fix if you want to start use the tool probably just bump halo package. Something like this.

kali@kali:~/dev/massrecon$ sed -i 's/halo==0.0.12/halo==0.0.29/' ./setup.py

Then install

kali@kali:~/dev/massrecon$ sudo python3 setup.py install

Note you can also use virtualenv if you don't want to touch the OS python packages in Kali.

Here is the instructions on how to do that.

kali@kali:~/dev/massrecon$ sudo apt-get -y install virtualenv
kali@kali:~/dev/massrecon$ virtualenv --python /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/massrecon_env
kali@kali:~/dev/massrecon$ source /tmp/massrecon_env/bin/activate
(massrecon_env) kali@kali:~/dev/massrecon$ python setup.py install

Or just wait and I will fix it probably later this evening.

Thanks for the quick reply!
If you are willing to fix the issue I'll wait and give it a go then.

Hi, I have now applied a fix.

Some quick instructions on how to use it.

Start with delete the old repository and clone it again this is to make sure egg and dist folder is cleaned up as will interference with the results else. ( Or you can delete dist build egg folders manually. )

git clone https://github.com/mikaelkall/massrecon.git

Make sure old halo package is successfully uninstalled before continue.

sudo pip3 uninstall halo

Install package.

sudo python3 setup.py install

If everything works as expected you should have the massrecon.py command.
Here is the output from my tests on Kali 2020

kali@kali:~$ massrecon.py
Massrecon 1.0.3 ( http://blog.nighter.se/blog/2019/08/13/massrecon-released/ )
Usage: massrecon [OPTIONS]

General Options

   recon  <ip>      Start recon target
   report           Generate OSCP report from CherryTree data.


    nmap  <ip>      Run nmap module only
    dirb  <ip>      Run dirb module only
   nikto  <ip>      Run nikto module only
     ftp  <ip>      Run ftp module only
  sslyze  <ip>      Run sslyze module only

quickscan Run quick portscan on all ports.

Awesome! I just installed it successfully too.
Thank you very much for the fix!