migueravila / Bento

🍱 The minimalist, elegant and hackable startpage.

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breakpoints not displaying text correctly

cjgsaunders opened this issue · comments

I noticed some strange behaviour when resizing the window. The breakpoints were not displaying the text correctly.
See the screenshot for an example.

Probably not the best way of dealing with it but I addressed it by resizing the initial fonts (fsg and fsm) like this.
/* Fonts /
--fsg: 100px; /
time and greeting /
--fsm: 70px; /
month+date /
--fss: 30px; /
--fses: 18px; /* links */

result was this

Thanks for the project :)


Hey! @cjgsaunders I'll check it and add the commets you put on your css in order to be more clear with that and everyone can tweek it even easier!