miguelcobain / ember-leaflet

:fire: :leaves: Easy and declarative mapping for ember

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how to change attribution

pc386 opened this issue · comments


How can I change the attribution of the map? I tried passing string to attribution property, but it doesn't work.

{{#leaflet-map lat=lat lng=lon onLoad=(action (mut map)) zoomControl=true scrollWheelZoom=false attribution="attribution" zoom=15 bounds=bounds as |layers|}}

@pingu69 usually the attribution should be set on the tile layer and not on the map. Can you try that and report back, please?


@pingu69 usually the attribution should be set on the tile layer and not on the map. Can you try that and report back, please?

Thanks for the help! I put the attribution property in the tile layer and passed a string, and it works!