miguelbalboa / rfid

Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522

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Galileo gen2 - SPI error

tomatensaft opened this issue · comments


Step 1: Are you in the right place?

GitHub issues only for bugs or improvements of the library. All other topics, e.g. hardware/programming, will be closed.

For general support from the community, see Arduino Forum or StackOverflow.

Step 2: Describe your environment

  • OS version: win10
  • Arduino IDE version: 1.8.2
  • MFRC522 Library version: 1.3.5
  • Arduino device: galileo gen2
  • MFRC522 device: rc522

Step 3: Describe the problem

Edit: SPI error, see second posting.
cant complie the sketch - incompatible architecture

Affected file(s) or example(s):

Steps to reproduce:

Observed Results:

Edit: SPI error, see second posting.
Arduino: 1.8.2 (Windows 10), Board: "Intel® Galileo Gen2"

Build options changed, rebuilding all
WARNING: library rfidmaster claims to run on (avr, STM32F1, teensy, esp8266) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (i586) architecture(s).
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\rfidmaster\src\MFRC522.cpp: In constructor 'MFRC522::MFRC522()':

Expected Results:

Relevant Code:

Standard Skecth (Setup/Loop) with #include <MFRC522.h>

What i'm doing wrong ? I found many exmaples with galileo gen2 and MFRC522 !?

There is no official support for galileo boards. It should compile because it is only a warning and not a error. Maybe the intel compiler is stupid..
Try to remove library.properties where the architectures are listed.


After many times new installation i got the following log ->

Arduino: 1.8.2 (Windows 10), Board: "Intel® Galileo Gen2"

Build options changed, rebuilding all
WARNING: library MFRC522 claims to run on (avr, STM32F1, teensy, esp8266) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (i586) architecture(s).
C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp: In constructor 'MFRC522::MFRC522()':

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:16:33: error: 'UINT8_MAX' was not declared in this scope

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp: In member function 'void MFRC522::PCD_WriteRegister(MFRC522::PCD_Register, byte)':

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:49:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'beginTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:49:72: error: 'SPISettings' was not declared in this scope

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:54:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'endTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp: In member function 'void MFRC522::PCD_WriteRegister(MFRC522::PCD_Register, byte, byte*)':

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:65:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'beginTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:65:72: error: 'SPISettings' was not declared in this scope

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:72:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'endTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp: In member function 'byte MFRC522::PCD_ReadRegister(MFRC522::PCD_Register)':

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:82:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'beginTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:82:72: error: 'SPISettings' was not declared in this scope

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:87:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'endTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp: In member function 'void MFRC522::PCD_ReadRegister(MFRC522::PCD_Register, byte, byte*, byte)':

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:106:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'beginTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:106:72: error: 'SPISettings' was not declared in this scope

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:125:6: error: 'class SPIClass' has no member named 'endTransaction'

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp: In member function 'void MFRC522::PCD_Init()':

C:\data\dev\arduino\sketchbook\libraries\MFRC522\src\MFRC522.cpp:201:28: error: 'UINT8_MAX' was not declared in this scope

exit status 1
Error compiling for board Intel® Galileo Gen2.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.

When i select the Yun Board it compiles everthing without warnings/errors.

I installed the IDE/Libs/Board new.

Better open a thread in the arduino or intel forum. Maybe there are more ppl who know about this board.

According thread: https://communities.intel.com/thread/113914

Can be reopened if somebody works on it.