middleman / middleman-sprockets

Sprockets support for Middleman

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Font files ending up in the wrong place.

martinholmin opened this issue · comments

Hi! I tried updating a project to MM4 using middleman-sprockets (4.0.0.rc.1). The project uses the materialize-sass gem.

In my config.rb i have set the fonts_dir to assets/fonts. While running the preview server or middleman build I used to get the fonts in assets/fonts/fontname/font-file.woff

Here are some selected output from the middleman build going from v3 to v4 with a persisted build directory to clarify the issue.

create  build/assets/roboto/Roboto-Light-6300f659.woff
create  build/assets/roboto/Roboto-Medium-d45f8492.woff
remove  build/assets/fonts/roboto/Roboto-Bold-47327df0.ttf
remove  build/assets/fonts/roboto/Roboto-Bold-933b866d.woff2

Any help appreciated

This is expected behavior in middleman-sprockets 4.0.x, and something that should/will be explained in the upgrading guide (that's coming). With 4.0.x we've stopped trying to detect file type and rewrite paths based on that -- everything will get dumped into imported_asset_path option, which defaults to assets.

Are you having any issues with link helpers pointing to the wrong locations though?

Thanks for the reply! No, it's not causing any real issues. Link helpers seems to be working fine!