middleman / middleman-i18n

Internationalization extension for Middleman (Built-in to 3.0)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Should be able to localize individual components in paths/url section

tdreyno opened this issue · comments

    hello: "hola"
    mister: "senor"

/hello/mister.html -> /hola/senor.html

Big thumbs up for this

We do this with the existing 2.x version of MiddleMan using the config file here: https://github.com/agamz/FindBigMail-old/blob/master/config.rb. Note, I don't think this fully reflects the latest middleman-i18n goodness, but hopefully its enough to give you an idea.

The relevant parts are:

I18n.load_path += Dir[ File.join(Dir.getwd, 'locale', '*.{rb,yml}') ]

langs = Dir["locale/*.yml"].map { |file| File.basename(file).gsub(".yml", "") }
files = Dir["source/localizable/**"]

langs.each do |lang|
  I18n.locale = lang
  files.each do |file|
    src = file.split("source/").last.gsub(".haml", "")
    page_id = File.basename(src, File.extname(src))
    new_page = "/" + src.gsub("localizable", lang).
      gsub(page_id, I18n.t("paths.#{page_id}", :default => page_id))
    page new_page, :proxy => src, :ignore => true do
      I18n.locale = lang
      @lang = lang
      @page_id = page_id

We have a helper to simplify the pages themselves:

helpers do
  def path(page)

Then we use path("hello") in our source files and it does the right thing in the generated files.

i18n is now built in to 3.0, feel free to transfer the issue if still applicable.

@karlfreeman I asked on the forum if there's a way to accomplish this on the current version of Middleman:


Basically we're trying to make, with no luck:
(en) services/painting
(es) servicios/pintura

Do you have any good idea on doing this?

@demogar Sorry for the delay (and lack of answer :(). Do you mind transferring your issue over to Middleman which should give it a bit more visibility.