mid0111 / bdd-sample-cucumber-jvm

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This is a sample project of cucumber-jvm.
See [Cucumber project page] (http://cukes.info/).

Install Cucumber-jvm

Maven installation


Describe Scenario File

Feature: ユーザModels

Scenario: ユーザ名を指定して登録する
    Given   ユーザ名 'tajima'
    When    ユーザを登録する
    Then    ユーザ名のみのオブジェクトが登録されること

[sample] (https://github.com/mid0111/bdd-sample-cucumber-jvm/blob/master/src/test/resource/sample/test/UserModels.feature)

[sample described in japanese] (https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/tree/master/examples/i18n/ja)

Compile Scenario File

  • To run the .feature using a JUnit Runner, create a blank test class.

      package sample.test;
      import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
      import cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
      @Cucumber.Options(format = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber" })
      public class RunTests {
  • Run Junit test, and Take a look at the output in the Console Tab in Eclipse.

      You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
      @Given("^ユーザ名 'tajima'$")
      public void ユーザ名_tajima() throws Throwable {
          // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
          throw new PendingException();
      public void ユーザを登録する() throws Throwable {
          // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
          throw new PendingException();
      public void ユーザ名のみのオブジェクトが登録されること(String arg1) throws Throwable {
          // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
          throw new PendingException();

Describe code


![image] (https://github.com/mid0111/bdd-sample-cucumber-jvm/blob/master/readme/Cucumber-Junit.png?raw=true)

HTML Report

![image2] (https://github.com/mid0111/bdd-sample-cucumber-jvm/blob/master/readme/Cucumber-report.png?raw=true)

TODO [jenkins-cucumber-jvm-reports-plugin] (https://github.com/masterthought/jenkins-cucumber-jvm-reports-plugin)
