microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-php

Microsoft Graph Library for PHP.

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Need Advice on mocking the sdk for unit and integration tests

anthonylex opened this issue · comments

For unit testing a class in out application that uses the sdk there isn't an easy way to mock the sdk parts see code block below.
I had a dig aorund in the source and couldnt find anything helpful in regards to this. Though I did stumble onto somthing indicating it uses the guzzle client so I was wondering if there was a way to do this:
with the sdk?
Or if there was any other recomended approach?

I will also need to write integration tests and dont want to be letting it call out the the MS servers so the guzzle mock hadnler or something similar would be very useful.


use Http\Promise\Promise;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Chats\Item\Messages\MessagesRequestBuilder;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Users\Item\Messages\Item\MessageItemRequestBuilder;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Users\Item\Messages\Item\Value\ContentRequestBuilder;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Users\Item\UserItemRequestBuilder;
use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Users\UsersRequestBuilder;
use Microsoft\Graph\GraphServiceClient;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;

class SomeService {
    public function __construct(private GraphServiceClient $client)

    public function run(): void {
        $mimeEmail = $this->client->users()

        //do something with $mimeEmail;

class SomeServiceTest extends TestCase

    public function testComponent(): void
        $graphServiceClient = $this->createMock(GraphServiceClient::class);
        $mockUsersRequestBuilder = $this->createMock(UsersRequestBuilder::class);


        $userItemRequestBuilder = $this->createMock(UserItemRequestBuilder::class);

        $messagesRequestBuilder = $this->createMock(MessagesRequestBuilder::class);


        $messageItemRequestBuilder = $this->createMock(MessageItemRequestBuilder::class);


        $contentRequestBuilder = $this->createMock(ContentRequestBuilder::class);


        $mimeMessagePromise = $this->createMock(Promise::class);


        $stream = $this->createMock(StreamInterface::class);

            ->willReturn('Mime Contents')

        $service = new SomeService($graphServiceClient);


        //Do assertions


Any suggestions about this?

Hi @anthonylex. Thanks for using this SDK and reaching out.
You can initialize the GraphServiceClient using a MockHandler as follows:

    $tokenRequestContext = new ClientCredentialContext(
    $authProvider = new GraphPhpLeagueAuthenticationProvider($tokenRequestContext, ['scopes']);
    $handlerStack = GraphClientFactory::getDefaultHandlerStack(new MockHandler([
        // mock responses

    $guzzleConfig = [
       'handler' => $handlerStack
    $httpClient = GraphClientFactory::createWithConfig($guzzleConfig);
    $requestAdapter = new GraphRequestAdapter($authProvider, $httpClient);
    $graphServiceClient = GraphServiceClient::createWithRequestAdapter($requestAdapter);

Let me know if this helps.

Thanks for your reply, Will have a go at implementing this and let you know how I get on.