microsoft / wil

Windows Implementation Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add a typedef for wil::unique_wdf_any<WDFQUEUE>?

UMU618 opened this issue · comments


need a using unique_wdf_queue = wil::unique_wdf_any<WDFQUEUE>;

    using unique_wdf_object          = unique_wdf_any<WDFOBJECT>;

    using unique_wdf_timer           = unique_wdf_any<WDFTIMER>;
    using unique_wdf_work_item       = unique_wdf_any<WDFWORKITEM>;

    using unique_wdf_memory          = unique_wdf_any<WDFMEMORY>;

    using unique_wdf_dma_enabler     = unique_wdf_any<WDFDMAENABLER>;
    using unique_wdf_dma_transaction = unique_wdf_any<WDFDMATRANSACTION>;
    using unique_wdf_common_buffer   = unique_wdf_any<WDFCOMMONBUFFER>;

    using unique_wdf_key             = unique_wdf_any<WDFKEY>;
    using unique_wdf_string          = unique_wdf_any<WDFSTRING>;
    using unique_wdf_collection      = unique_wdf_any<WDFCOLLECTION>;

Sounds great! We'll be happy to merge your pull request when you've got it.