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Missing typings for latest vscode-languageclient

kumarharsh opened this issue · comments

The latest vscode-languageclient (5.2.1) uses some api like DefinitionLink and code.FoldingRange[] which the latest vscode typings (1.1.26) don't expose.

@kumarharsh these typings are in the vscode.d.ts version ^1.30. If you already have an extension using the lsp client then you need to run npm run postinstall after updating the vscode engine field to 1.30:

	"engines": {
		"vscode": "^1.30"

Thanks for the explanation @dbaeumer. I am a little confused how updating the engine would update the vscode version, when the latest version published on npm is still 1.1.26 (

You need to update the engine and run npm run postinstall. This script fetches the typings according to the engine field from GitHub.