microsoft / vscode-docker-extensibility

Docker for Visual Studio Code: Extensibility Model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shell quoting is not working right

bwateratmsft opened this issue · comments

There are some issues with shell quoting that are preventing it from working correctly in the general case.

  • On Windows, with CMD as the default shell, some commands just fail outright (e.g. list containers)
  • When switching the default shell to PowerShell or pwsh, the command succeeds but the quoting is not correct, resulting in output that doesn't parse right
  • The command runners currently only assume Windows (and only use PowerShell quoting)

This should be fixed by #70

I'll test it out.

It's not quite right still. The commands run successfully but the output is subtly incorrect in some cases, e.g. list containers:

    CreatedAt:"2022-06-22 12:07:43 -0400 EDT",
    Status:"Exited (255) 33 minutes ago"

It's missing quotes around the property names, it should be:

    "CreatedAt":"2022-06-22 12:07:43 -0400 EDT",
    "Status":"Exited (255) 33 minutes ago"

Ah, looks like the template formatting needs its own escaping regardless of the shell quoting. Small update to the go template methods should fix the key quoting.