microsoft / vcpkg

C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS

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messy code output in Visual Studio 2022 while building

NeoxyCN opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
the output in vs2022 is messy code


  • OS: Windows
  • Compiler: MSVC

Failure logs

1>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x64-windows" --vcpkg-root "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=D:\source\Project\\" "--x-install-root=D:\source\Project\vcpkg_installed\x64-windows\\"
1>姝e湪妫€娴嬩笁鍏冪粍 x64-windows 鐨勭紪璇戝櫒鍝堝笇...
1>-- 姝e湪灏?%HTTP(S)_PROXY% 鐜鍙橀噺鑷姩璁剧疆涓衡€?鈥濄€?灏嗙敓鎴愬苟瀹夎浠ヤ笅鍖?
1>    glew:x64-windows -> 2.2.0#3 -- C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\vcpkg\registries\git-trees\cfd894e57985fdb9c772bbf28a4aa261759bb6ac
1>    glfw3:x64-windows -> 3.3.8#3 -- C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\vcpkg\registries\git-trees\c21a08a861a502b0e10c4a82de391a60bba6a4e6
1>102 us 鍚庝粠 C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives 杩樺師浜?0 涓寘銆備娇鐢?--debug 浜嗚В鏇村璇︾粏淇℃伅銆?姝e湪瀹夎 1/2 涓?glew:x64-windows...
1>姝e湪鐢熸垚 glew:x64-windows...
1>-- 姝d粠浠ヤ笅浣嶇疆瀹夎绔彛: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\vcpkg\registries\git-trees\cfd894e57985fdb9c772bbf28a4aa261759bb6ac

Additional context
the output of vcpkg in vs2022 is in GBK, but the output setting is UTF-8

@NeoxyCN, This is related to your VS settings, not the vcpkg port problem. Have you installed the language pack? Or you can reinstall a port and test whether it has the same output format.


@NeoxyCN, This is related to your VS settings, not the vcpkg port problem. Have you installed the language pack? Or you can reinstall a port and test whether it has the same output format.

Yes, simplified chinese and english, now using windows and visual studio 2022 in simplified chinese

You can try using the English package. Under normal circumstances, some characters in Chinese VS may have parsing errors.


You can try using the English package. Under normal circumstances, some characters in Chinese VS may have parsing errors.

okay, thanks