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CTRL+F4 is not closing current tab

TheMagnificent11 opened this issue · comments

Windows Terminal version


Windows build number


Other Software

No response

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Windows Terminal
  2. Press CTRL+Shift+1 to open a new tab
  3. Types something into the new shell (to confirm that it has focus)
  4. Press CTRL+F4

Expected Behavior

The current tab is closed

Actual Behavior


Did you bind closeTab or closePane to ctrl+f4?

Did you try searching for duplicates?

I did try searching for duplicates, but didn't find any that were open, and the closed ones said that the issue was fixed.

It turns out that closePane was mapped to CTRL+Shift+w and changing it to CTRL+F4 fixed my issue.

However, before changing the action binding, hovering over the "x" button for a tab said that CTRL+F4 was the shortcut, not CTRL+Shift+w.

So, I guess the bug is that hovering over the close button gives the wrong shortcut.

Yep, that's basically the premise of /dup #10109. WinUI manually hardcodes the tooltip. I'm not sure we can easily replace it.

Hi! We've identified this issue as a duplicate of another one that already exists on this Issue Tracker. This specific instance is being closed in favor of tracking the concern over on the referenced thread. Thanks for your report!