microsoft / service-fabric-explorer

Service Fabric Explorer is a web based dashboard for visualizing the state of a Service Fabric cluster.

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Cannot see how full cluster is anymore in Cluster Metrics

nokjuh opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
In the old Service Fabric Explorer, it was possible to select "Normalize metric data" in Cluster Metrics. This displayed at a glance how full the cluster is compared to the maximum. Also mousing over a node showed how full it was compared to the maximum, both with percentage and in metric used/maximum.

These are both missing in the new Service Fabric Explorer. This makes it harder to see how much of the cluster capacity is used.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Cluster => Metrics => Select a metric, e.g. Reserved MemoryInMB

Try to see how full nodes are compared to the maximum capacity.

Expected behavior
It should be possible to select "Normalize metric data" like in old SFX.
It should be possible to mouse over a node and see info like in old SFX, e.g. "_nt1vm_0: 12288 / 13925 (88.2 %)".

  • Service Fabric version: 8.2.1235.9590
  • OS(for browser not SF): Windows 10
  • Browser/ Browser version: Chrome 96.0.4664.45 64-bit

Additional context
Workaround: "View old SFX"


Hey, this is being fixed with the following PR soon


fixed with 9.0