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[rush] Cannot publish: getting ENEEDAUTH even though I'm already authenticated

kaiyoma opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to publish monorepo packages to an Artifactory npm registry, but no matter what I try, I get an error about being unauthenticated, even though I'm already authenticated.

Repro steps

$ npm whoami

$ rush-pnpm publish -r --no-git-checks


npm ERR! need auth This command requires you to be logged in to (redacted)
npm ERR! need auth You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`


It doesn't matter if I use npm login and specify the username/password on the command line, or if I store the auth token inside .npmrc. Same result either way.

Standard questions

Please answer these questions to help us investigate your issue more quickly:

Question Answer
@microsoft/rush globally installed version? 5.117.9
rushVersion from rush.json? 5.117.9
Operating system? Windows 11
Would you consider contributing a PR? No
Node.js version (node -v)? 20.11.1

Which .npmrc file are you sticking the credentials in? I'm not particularly familiar with how Artifactory's authentication works, there may be quirks in how it expects credentials.

Can you try setting the credentials as an environment variable, referenced in the common/config/rush/.npmrc or common/config/rush/.npmrc-publish file?

The credentials were already in common/config/rush/.npmrc. I tried copying them to common/config/rush/.npmrc-publish but that didn't help.

As a workaround, I ended up writing a small tool that simulates what rush-pnpm does: it iterates over the directories of packages, copies common/config/rush/.npmrc into each one, then runs npm publish inside the package directory. This works correctly, so it's our solution for now. But isn't this basically what rush-pnpm should be doing?