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MaxRequestBodySize on RouteConfig class has no effect

nazirj-absa opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug

The value is set in code. The RateLimiterPolicy works brilliantly.
However, we would like to limit the body request on certain endpoints.
MaxRequestBodySize - is different per route.
However, it has no effect.
Setting the value to a modest 53 bytes on a limit of 50 bytes has no effect.

RouteConfig routeItem = new RouteConfig() { RouteId = $"route-{endpoint.Name}-{Random.Shared.Next()}", ClusterId = endpoint.ClusterId, Match = new RouteMatch { Path = $"/{pathPrefix}{endpoint.MatchPath}" }, RateLimiterPolicy = endpoint.RateLimiterPolicy, MaxRequestBodySize = endpoint.MaxRequestBodySize, Transforms = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>() { new Dictionary<string, string> { { "PathSet", endpoint.TransformPath } } }, AuthorizationPolicy = endpoint.AuthorizationPolicy };

To Reproduce

Use postman to perform a post or put with the json payload of:
i.e. 101 bytes.

If the route has MaxRequestBodySize of 50 bytes - the request still returns with a 200 status.

        public ActionResult UpdateItem([FromBody] JsonElement body)
            return Ok($"updated - {body.ToString()}");

        public ActionResult CreateItem([FromBody] JsonElement body)
            return Ok($"created - {body.ToString()}");

Further technical details

  • Include the version of the packages you are using
  • The platform is Windows.
  • Yarp version 2.1.0