microsoft / powerplatform-build-tools

Power Platform Build Tools automate common build and deployment tasks related to Power Platform. This includes synchronization of solution metadata (a.k.a. solutions) between development environments and source control, generating build artifacts, deploying to downstream environments, provisioning/de-provisioning of environments, and the ability to perform static analysis checks against your solution using the PowerApps checker service.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pac solution pack does not include Connectors folder properly

crsnt opened this issue · comments

I have a custom connector in the solution.

When I performed unpack + pack solution using pac cli and tried to import to target environment, I got an error:

Connector Import Failed: File Not Found

Upon inspecting the zip content, the packed solution zip is missing Connectors folder.

Looks like when unpacking, the Connector folder was not extracted either and connector was missing in customizations.xml (I believe this is the cause)

If I added the connector manually in customizations.xml and included the Connector folder, the pack seems to include the folder ok.

Was something changed recently?

After troubleshooting with MS support - the CLI unpack seems to have validation around connector name.

We have custom connector that has 45 characters (greater than 30 characters recent validation that MS put in). Even though this can be exported and imported successfully via UI, pac solution unpack fails to unpack the connector.

Is it possible for CLI unpack to remove this limitation?