microsoft / p4vfs

Microsoft Virtual File System for Perforce

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Altitude 191024, is it correct?

santagada opened this issue · comments

If I'm not mistaken this altitude is not in the official altitude documentation:

Also seems to be between two valid ranges, but outside of both. Is that intended?

Thanks for catching this. The 191024 is a legacy altitude, which we originally allocated when targeting for Windows 8 release. It is due time for us to allocate a new value in the FSFilter HSM range.

We are working with Windows File Systems and Filters Group to allocate a new altitude identifier for the P4VFS driver. We should have dedicated value soon.

The P4VFS driver has been officially allocated an FSFilter HSM altitude of 189700, as we requested. It can be used as a one decimal value (ie, 189700.1, 189700.2, ...) if needed. The next version of P4VFS will use this new altitude.

Fixed in release