microsoft / p4vfs

Microsoft Virtual File System for Perforce

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P4VFS and Windows System for Linux Compatibility

ldwSpirent opened this issue · comments

I have used P4VFS on Windows to sync to the latest version of my project (p4vfs sync ...#head). However, I'm using VSCode running under WSL2/Ubuntu-20.04 to edit files. When I try to access the files using VSCode or Ubuntu command line, then I only see zeros in the file:

If I use a native Windows program to read the file, then I can see the actual contents of the file in WSL...

$ od -tx1
0000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0213720 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

$ /mnt/c/windows/system32/cmd.exe <<< "type" &> /dev/null
$ od -tx1
0000000  2f  2f  20  24  49  64  3a  20  ...
0213720  53  74  61  74  65  3b  0a  7d  0a 

Is it possible to make this run seamlessly under WSL? (i.e. without the need to use a windows native program to trigger P4VFS)?

Note: (I had previously opened this up under Discussion, but think it is more suited to an issue)

Reply in discussion #30 (comment)
Currently under investigation.