VS2015 Build errors
mrchris2000 opened this issue · comments
After a clean clone from the repo I've followed the instructions and am getting:
.\crypto\cryptlib.c: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sdkddkver.h':
No such file or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
I'm not really a C guy and was hoping to use this library from C# for UWP development so getting a build from it is crucial. On a related note, would you consider adding pre-built libraries to the GitHub releases and / or (and please) offering a NuGet version of this?
Thanks for the work, it is appreciated.
Hi @mrchris2000
Which branch are you running against?
Getting the binaries will not be enough to call the code from C#, since OpenSSL is a native C++ library, there will need to be an interop library to connect the C# to the C++ code. For most of the Microsoft projects, the APIs exposed are exposed as WinRT components making them available from all projected languages. Once you have the binaries, you will need to create a WinRT C++ component that links the OpenSSL binaries and exposes the APIs that you need to C#./
We are trying to find a way to publish binaries, but it is a little complicated from a corporate standpoint.
Hi ,
I am also getting the same build error while building opessl for windows universal. I did the following
- install active perl
- run the scriprt ms/do_vsprojects14.bat
- open the vsout/openSSL.sln using Visual Studio 2015(community edition)
Tried to build the solution (also tried individual project). Getting following build error-
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'sdkddkver.h': No such file or directory NT-Universal-10.0-Dll-Unicode E:\windows_uni_openssl\openssl-WinRT\vsout\NT-Universal-10.0-Dll-Unicode\ms\uplink.c
Can anyone help me to fix this problem. Thanks.
Issue #35 talks about the problem. If you set "_WKITS10VER" in your environment to 10.0.14393.0 before calling the script and opening the solution, that should unblocked you until I get a proper detection fix.
Thanks. Build error has gone after setting _WKITS10VER with value 10.0.14393.0 in the Environment.
Confirmed, this resolves my original issue.