microsoft / onnxruntime-genai

Generative AI extensions for onnxruntime

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ONNXRuntime genai fine tuning

Positronx opened this issue · comments

Will fine tuning Large Language Models on onnxruntime-genai be supported any time in the future?

Hi @Positronx., we have support for running models that have been fine-tuned with LoRA.
And you can fine-tune the model ahead of time with LoRA using the Olive tool (
Would that satisfy your requirement?

Hi @natke, I took a look at the Olive tool. it looks like it does what I want it to except that it's written in python. I'm looking for a C++ tool unfortunately.

This looks more like a support request than an issue with the code in this repo, or its usage.

It should probably be closed.

Hi @arnfaldur, should I move it to a discussion and close this issue?

It sounds like the authors of this repo don't intend on adding fine tuning because they have olive to do that with. If that is the case, I would close this issue as not planned.

Regarding your specific needs. I don't know the specifics of why you need it in c++ but you can in many cases just call into python from c++.

If you can't, you'll have to make it yourself or wait for it in llama.cpp.

onnxruntime-genai is mainly designed to serve inference requests and finetuning is not a on our roadmap for now. The workflow pointed out by @natke is the recommended solution for this scenario.

I'll close this issue, but please feel free to share your ideas and suggestions.