microsoft / onefuzz

A self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add `AdditionalInfo` property to report

tevoinea opened this issue · comments

For teams that create their own crash reports, they would like to have additional properties to use in their notification templates.

We can add an Dictionary<string, string> AdditionalInfo to the Report object.

public record Report(
string? InputUrl,
BlobRef? InputBlob,
string Executable,
string CrashType,
string CrashSite,
List<string> CallStack,
string CallStackSha256,
string InputSha256,
string? AsanLog,
Guid TaskId,
Guid JobId,
long? ScarinessScore,
string? ScarinessDescription,
List<string>? MinimizedStack,
string? MinimizedStackSha256,
List<string>? MinimizedStackFunctionNames,
string? MinimizedStackFunctionNamesSha256,
List<string>? MinimizedStackFunctionLines,
string? MinimizedStackFunctionLinesSha256,
string? ToolName,
string? ToolVersion,
string? OnefuzzVersion,
Uri? ReportUrl
) : IReport, ITruncatable<Report> {

Then in a notification template, someone could reference is by doing something like report.additional_info.my_custom_field


To further inform the implementation, we are looking to add additional fields that correspond to URLs for extra-outputs artifacts we produce from our analyzer task.
We can generate the download URLs ourselves for these artifacts and add them as additional_info fields, but if they were made explicit then perhaps your agent could add metadata such as error information if the upload failed (for instance).

Closing because this already exists as ExtensionData